Find your child’s reading materials

Reading is the foundation of every learning ability. We want our children to develop the habit of reading and want them to enjoy it. 


Questionnaire to determine where to start

We’ve curated our recommendations by mapping what they can do, what they are interested in. The questions below will help you gauge your child’s specific development stage. Read through them and determine which SP reading level that your child is in currently.

You know your child best.

Kiddie Riders

Is your child walking around and starting to be aware of his/her surroundings?

Is your child learning colors, shapes, different animals, counting little numbers?

Is your child learning how to express their feelings and opinions in a simple format?

Is your child starting to make friends (either human or non-human friends), building stories with them, and starting to build stories with them?


Is your child able to come up with different ideas than what you suggested for problem-solving?

Does your child having stronger opinions on their interests and starting to explain why?

Is your child beginning to articulate and describe (with precision)what she/he sees, feels, and explains the decisions they’ve made or want to make?

Is your child starting to ask more “How” and “Why” questions more than “What” and “Who” questions?


Does your child express their opinion and thoughts coherently?

Does your child recognize and understand the consequences of their actions and behaviors as well as the consequences of others’ behaviors?

Is your child able to connect the dots between events?

Is your child starting to think about what is fair for her/him and others?

Is your child starting to compare options and think more about what would be the best option based on his/her circumstances?